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Persicaria microcephala Red Dragon
  • Persicaria microcephala Red Dragon

This perennial is well-named.  It is a true red with small white flowers.  But the flowers are the least interesting thing about this plant which you will grow for its remarkable foliage.  The colour of the leaves and stems does it all.  The leaves are beautifully marked with chevrons of varying hues of red and plum with a touch of silver.   Best planted in full sun so that the leaves retain their 'redness'.  In shadier places, they tend to be more green, so the point is lost.  Well drained, fertile soil.  H&S about 3'.  We've never found it to be overwhelming and we have it in 3 places in our own garden.  

Persicaria microcephala Red Dragon

  • Product Code: Persicaria microcephala Red Dragon

Tags: Persicaria microcephala Red Dragon