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Tender & Exotic M - R

Tender & Exotic M - R

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Passiflora caponii

Passiflora caponii

We're convinced this is the lost 'John Innes'. Ray was given it over 20 years ago by the one-time he..


Passiflora exoniensis

Passiflora exoniensis

Almost hardy in mildest locations but safer with winter protection. A good plant for a cool conserva..


Passiflora mollissima

Passiflora mollissima

This delicate pink Passiflora is also known as the Banana passionfruit. It's shown here with one of ..


Passiflora quadrangularis

Passiflora quadrangularis

A very lovely evergreen Passiflora with a really exotic flower and a sweet scent. It requires a mini..


Pereskia grandifolia

Pereskia grandifolia

Hard to believe it but this is a member of the cactus family, growing rather more like a shrub. &nbs..


Pericallis lanata

Pericallis lanata

An evergreen, tender shrubby plant which might over-winter in very mild areas.  It has pretty w..


Pitcairnia bergii

Pitcairnia bergii

An endangered rarity from South America this is on the Red List and is a member of the Bromeliad fam..


Pittosporum tobira variegata

Pittosporum tobira variegata

Pittosporum tobira variegata..


Plectranthus argentatus Hill House

Plectranthus argentatus Hill House

A sport discovered here by Raymond, this has attractively variegated green and cream leaves. Best gr..


Plectranthus ciliatus Sasha

Plectranthus ciliatus Sasha

Named after Raymond's wife, Sacha (yes they spelt it wrongly!) this tender spreading perennial has y..


Plumbago auriculata Alba

Plumbago auriculata Alba

Plumbago auriculata Alba, the white cousin of the better known blue climber. Plant them together for..


Plumbago auriculata Crystal Waters

Plumbago auriculata Crystal Waters

The well known and loved tender climber. Both this blue one and its white cousin are elegant in a co..


Reinwardtia indica

Reinwardtia indica

Wonderful conservatory plant from the Himalayas, flowering from autumn to spring with clear yellow s..


Showing 16 to 28 of 28 (2 Pages)